Saturday, December 29, 2012

Five Steps Towards Greater Self Confidence

We watch the star athlete calmly make the final shot, score the winning goal, or lead his team for a touchdown in the final minute of the game. We marvel at their talent and their determination, but what we value and admire most is the supreme confidence they display - they know they will succeed.

Confidence is an attribute that is alluring, attractive, valuable, desirable and contagious. Most everyone aspires to greater levels of it, even if they feel confident most of the time. It is a trait that will help us create greater results for ourselves and when leading others. Any trait with this much benefit is one worth developing. And yes, you can develop and strengthen your confidence.
Consider these five steps as the building blocks for greater confidence in any part of your life.

1. Remind yourself of past successes. Confidence builds on past success. Since you have had success before, you can (and will) have it again. We strengthen our confidence in any activity when we review or remind ourselves of past successes. If you are trying to build confidence in a new area, past success can still help us strengthen our confidence. For example, if you have had success in doing something new in the past, review those experiences when trying something else new - even if it is in an entirely different part of your life.

2. Read and listen to positive materials. Fill your mind with positive and affirming words, ideas and stories. Read things that enhances your skills or knowledge in the area in which you want to build your confidence. Read materials that are generally uplifting and affirming, and read biographies of successful people. You will find that many of them had troubles in life, came from tough situations and still succeeded. If you have ever thought, "Well, if they can do, I could too." Then you realize that we can build our confidence by reading about others stories. Reading and listening to positive materials is about reinforcement, encouragement, and learning. All three of these components are needed for greater confidence.

3. See your future success. Olympic athletes, corporate executives, and successful people in all sorts of endeavors visualize future success. Confidence will grow when we see ourselves succeeding. Think about it, if you know you will succeed, your confidence will soar, right? Visualizing future success does that very thing for us. Our minds cannot tell the difference between something real and something vividly imagined. So vividly visualize your success. What will it look like, smell like, and taste like to have succeeded? Who will be with you, what will you be hearing and where will you be? How will you be feeling at that moment? Putting this much detail into your vivid picture improves the likelihood of success, and supports greater confidence!

4. Reframe failure. Thomas Edison spent a long time trying to create an incandescent light bulb - to create light from electricity. He is attributed with saying, "I have not failed, I have discovered twelve hundred materials that don't work." 1,200! Perhaps you feel you can reframe your failures as learning experiences - as a chance to find out what doesn't work. But would you be able to do so 1,200 times? Know that failures will occur - and your confidence won't be as shaken when they come. Use the failures as an opportunity to learn. Realize that every failure puts you that much closer to success. When we reframe our failure as a learning experience we reduce our fear and increase our confidence.

5. Take confident action. You wanted confidence to help you try and succeed in new ways, right? So get out there and get at it! You have to put your confidence to the test. You have to practice. And, while you are taking action, make it confident action! Remember that if you act confident, you will be more confident. Review the other steps you have been taking to build your confidence. If you are driving towards your new action step, remind yourself of past successes, again. Visualize the successful outcome, again. Build your confidence at every step of the way, but remember it all must lead to action.

These steps are a regimen for strengthening and building your confidence in any life situation. Use these steps and I am confident, you will be more confident.


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Top 5 Reasons Why You're Not Living Your Dream

1. "I'm too old to make a change."
Maybe you're over 30 and settled in your career. You don't even want to think about making a move somewhere else. Besides, at this point in your life, you're supposed to be doing what you want, right?
For some reason we seem to think that we have to "act our age". But what does that mean? Where is there a definition of what it means to be a certain age?
The next time you think you're too old to make a change, think about Colonel Sanders and Wally Amos. Age is truly nothing more than a number.

2. "I need more money."
You might have dreams of owning your own business. You automatically think about all the money you'll need to do that. Just the thought of it overwhelms you and stops you in your tracks.
Using money as a reason not to change is just another excuse. Sure, it does take money to start a business. But who says we have to have all the money at once? Sometimes just the process of planning out our dreams makes what seems impossible, possible.
When you start to visualize your dreams, new opportunities open up for you. You may even find options that don't require that much money.

3. "I'm afraid to make a change."
You may have made a career move in the past and things didn't turn out like you expected. Maybe your boss didn't treat you well or you weren't challenged enough. Now you might be afraid to make the same mistake again.
Fear can take over and paralyze us. The funny thing is that most of the things we fear generally do not become a reality. When we come up with reasons why we can't make a move, we are just avoiding true happiness.
Basing your future on events that happened in the past is a sure way of stopping yourself from growing. It's best to learn from the past so that you can move forward.

4. "I don't have time to try to live my dream."
You may be so focused on your daily duties that you don't stop to think about your dreams. They might be buried deep within.
Some of us have spent so much time trying to make a living that we really don't have a life. We haven't taken the time to learn what we are passionate about.
Listen to those inner voices. Acknowledge the ideas that keep popping into your head. Make note of what you do in your spare time. Ask yourself if you would do these things even if you weren't getting paid. Or, ask if you would do them as a hobby even if you won the lottery.

5. "I don't think anyone will approve of my dream."
You've been thinking about making a change in your career. But what will people think of you? Will they believe that you can be successful? Will they be waiting for you to fail?
We often sabotage ourselves by worrying about what other people think of us. A family member, co-worker, or friend passes judgment on our dreams. All of a sudden, that's enough to stop us from moving forward.

You have the right to do what makes you happy. As long as you are not hurting anyone, including yourself, go for it. You might upset some people in the process. But, ultimately, it is your life.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

4 Powerful Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation

It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it? Are there times in your life when you really want to call it "quits" because you just can't see any good results from all the hard work you've done?

Hold your horses!

Never ever think of giving up. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Take all negative words out of your mental dictionary and focus on the solutions with utmost conviction and patience. The battle is never lost until you've abandon your vision.
But what if you're really exhausted physically, mentally, and most of all emotionally? Here are some sources of motivation to prompt you in reaching the peak of accomplishment.

1) The Overwhelming Feeling of Attaining your Desired End
How would you feel after accomplishing your mission? Of course you will feel ecstatic. You might be shedding tears of joy. Let this tremendous feeling sink in and encourage you to persist despite all odds.
When I was studying for the Board Exams, I used this technique to motivate me. I would envision the sweetness of folks calling me a CPA. It would command respect. People will look up to me as a higher level of authority. And I would have better chances of finding a good job. I absorbed all these great perceptions into my inner being in order to achieve my ultimate goal.

2) The Reward System
How would you feel if you've entered a contest, but there are no prizes for the winners? It's not very encouraging, isn't it?
The same principles apply to your vision. Reward yourself after accomplishing a goal. Set a particular incentive for every objective.
Let's say if you've achieved a particular task, you'll treat yourself to your favorite restaurant. When you've finished a bigger task, you'll go on a vacation.
Got the idea?
Just set something gratifying to indulge in after completing a certain undertaking.

3) The Powerful Force of Humanity
If you want to succeed, surround yourself with the right kind of people who will support and encourage you all the way.
Be with people who have the same beliefs and aspirations as yours. Positive aura is generated by this fusion of collective energy from people of "like minds."
On the contrary, being with people who oppose your ways of thinking may trigger a negative, yet very powerful, kind of motivation.
Has anyone ever said to you that "You'll never get anywhere" or "You're wasting your time with what you're doing?"
Didn't it made you furious and determined enough to prove to them how wrong they were? This is what I'm talking about.
When aggravated, you will do anything to make those who are against you swallow their words. But of course, your main focus should be on the accomplishment of your goal and not for the purpose of revenge. Never let your emotions toward others alter your main objective.

4) Take Care Of Your Health
Exercise regularly. Fill your brains with enough oxygen to allow you to do your daily tasks with more vigor and energy.
Take regular breaks if time allows. Having the will power to continue despite all hardships is extremely important, but you should still know your limits.
If you don't take enough rest, you will not be able to think clearly and you will not be able to do your tasks properly. In the process, you will just get more frustrated.

Take sufficient sleep and recharge yourself after a hard day's work. Never, ever ignore your health. I've learned my lesson when I sacrificed my health for the sake of success. I've worked very long hours everyday and just got minimal sleep. As a result, I became ill.
It's not worth it. Success won't matter if you don't have good health to enjoy it.
Fire up your motivation and live life to the fullest!


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Saturday, December 8, 2012

REST: The New Strategy for Business and Life Success

No matter how many times you have vowed to change your harried ways, you still find yourself running behind, running out of time, running out of patience and running on EMPTY. Your biggest problem--exhaustion. You are just plain old tired. But you keep going, because there seems to be no way out.

Guess what? There is a way out if you decided to take it! Not only a way out but a way that will help you get more done while keeping your sanity. Simply put, your life is screaming at you to get some REST! You're probably screaming back HOW DO I DO THAT? THERE'S ONLY ONE ME! There's only one me to make sure that the kids get to school, the shopping is done, the business is profitable, the romance is steady.

Everyday women are juggling multiple to do list, trying hard not to let any of them drop. The problem is, they have not included time out to rest on any of the list. Exhaustion, fatigue, unpleasant interactions, illness and more can be the results of not listening to a life that is screaming for rest.

As a producer of retreats for busy women, I have found that many of our guests are frustrated by the fast pace of day-to-day-life, and at the same time they feel helpless to change it. I offer a few suggestions to help them transition to a more restful lifestyle, not only while they are on retreat, but more importantly, when they return home. Here's a quick list that you can cut out and put on your bulletin board at work or on the refrigerator door at home:

o Schedule time off. When you have a business or family appointment, you put it on the calendar. This insures that you will follow through in keeping that appointment. Each week schedule a little time off. It may be to take a twenty minute walk at lunch, or to get an afternoon facial. Whatever your choice is, write it down, and then block out the time. Treat this just as you would any appointment, and be sure to show up.

o Pay attention to your energy level. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, over-extended or over worked. Be proactive. If it's possible to change a meeting, do so. If there's something you can accomplish at home instead of going into to the office, give yourself permission to stay home. If it's a job that someone else can do, delegate. Do this with the understanding that when you get a little rest you will have increased clarity, and become more productive.

o Ask for help. Don't let your pride get in the way here. Ask for help with the kids, with the projects, with the tasks. One woman told me that the only way this works for her, is that she promises to return the favor when her co-worker or friend is in need. This puts her mind at ease and allows her to feel respectful and responsible to those in her life. We all need help from time to time, asking is allowing someone else to share their resources which most are happy to do.

o Practice. Don't seek perfection when it comes to creating a life that includes work and rest. It takes practice to make any type of lifestyle change. If you schedule time off, but can't pull yourself away. Write it down again for the next day or the next week. The important thing is to stay clear of guilt and shame. Those feelings will only get you frozen in place and push you over the edge of exhaustion even faster.

Taking time out to rest can be a secret weapon, leading to more success in business and in life. Just by increasing the amount of rest that you get, you can become more creative and able to bring fresh ideas to the table at work. When you feel rested, you will show more patience to your customers, co-workers and family. In addition to this, you replenish the inner "well" building a reserve for when you have to make the push to meet a deadline or complete a project. When you are exhausted, there is no inner well to draw from. Your secret weapon to a more successful life. . . take time out to rest.

By Jordan Mercedes 

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ten Tips to Create More Life for Your Life

When people begin to investigate career change, often they don't want a new career at all. They love their career -- but they also want time for creating a life outside work. As a lifetime leisure-seeker, I've created ten tips to help you get started on the quest for "more time in your life -- and more fun."

1. Decide where leisure ranks on your list of values. Are you working to pay for something that you don't value very much?

2. Seize moments during the day, evening, lunchtime and weekend. Time management guru Alan Lakein calls this the "Swiss cheese method:" using the holes. Think "fun" in fifteen-minute segments.

3. Buy leisure time. Hiring a teenager to mow your lawn may give you an hour or more, depending on the size of your property. Get even more creative. For a price, your pet-sitter might be persuaded to take Fluffy to the vet and Fido to the groomer.

4. Stop doing things that nobody will miss.
I once worked with someone who stopped answering requests for reports from "senior management." When a vice president asked, "Where is your report?" he would prepare one on the spot. Most of the time, nobody noticed!
Same goes for housekeeping: do you need the "cleanest house in town" award?

5. Set limits and set them again. Saying "no" to invitations is a beginning. You can also define your scope: "I will be happy to help as long as I can do the work on Saturday."
I've role-played scenarios with clients who think the earth will cave in if they say "no." Often they're amazed to find nobody missed them.

6. Stop losing energy to procrastination or fear. If you dread making that call or put off changing that light bulb, do it now and enjoy leisure, guilt-free.

7. Ignore the pressure of, "Everybody else is participating." Chances are everybody else is miserable -- or isn't doing any more than you are.

8. Prioritize your time for energy boosters and time expanders? Meditation, journal writing and exercise will increase your energy and miraculously add hours to your day.

9. Grab a large block of time each week to do exactly what you want. Two hours? A whole afternoon? An afternoon in an art museum (or an evening at a basketball game) will often unravel the knots that keep you working late.

10. Call for outside help if you're still trapped by the "should" monitor. Find a friend, counselor or coach -- someone who can offer you an objective insight and clarify priorities.
Bonus tip: Remind yourself every day: Very few people on their deathbed say, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office," or, "I should have done more dusting." Will you be one of the few?


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pushing Through With Your Unique Business Ideas

Unique business ideas can sometimes be overrated. Your success in any kind of venture is determined by a lot of factors such as the available market or demand, the right price and marketing strategy. You may have this misconception that unique business ideas would automatically give you an edge over other businesses but a one-of-a-kind concept alone could not sell your products. Also, a new concept would not remain new forever. Other businessmen may follow the same business idea so it is no longer considered unique. The novelty wears off easily.

However, even if unique business ideas are not always the solution to achieving success in business, do not rule them out indiscriminately. Your ideas may be brilliant and even revolutionary in nature that to simply not push through with it can be considered an injustice. Just consider some of these factors before pushing through with it.

Have you done some research and studies about your idea?
You must have some solid basis and knowledge to back your unique business ideas. You cannot simply launch a business with an idea in mind. A certain degree of preparation is needed to ensure greater chances of success. If you had sufficient information, it would also be easier on your part to assess and rethink if your idea is indeed sellable and profitable.

• Do you have the necessary skills?
The best way for you to judge if you're ready to own and manage a business or to push through with your unique business ideas is to assess your own skills. It is always advisable to come up with a business that's focused on your strengths and compensate your weaknesses.
Have you checked Federal and state law?

This is often overlooked by wannabe entrepreneurs, especially those who are just thinking of doing their business from home, but this step is very important because even a small violation can cause so much delay to your business. It can hamper the opening of your business or put off its operation. You don't want that to happen especially if you are already starting to gain customers, right? So before you start, make sure you have all the necessary permits and documents you need to operate.
Do your unique business ideas have a market?

Having a market means having potential clients. The greater number of potential clients you have, the higher the number of sales you make which means profits on your part. There must be an existing demand for the products so it would sell.


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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Using Castor Oil to Induce Labor

Castor oil induces labor in women, who are having difficulty in giving birth. Last days of pregnancy are critical. Usually, there is no definite day or time about childbirth. In some women, overdue happens. They don't feel any cramping. For them, labor can be induced with the help of this herbal oil.
Difficulty in labor can lead to serious issues in women. If nine months are passed and delivery is not taking place, it can put life of mother and baby in danger. Doctors use medications and other ways for timely labor. These have side-effects and may not work effectively. So, herbal remedy is the best option. It is safe and effective.

How oil works for induction
Castor oil is a laxative, which stimulates bowels. It also causes nausea, diarrhea and intestinal cramping. As a result, it helps deliver baby. It causes contractions in lower abdominal area, which shortens labor time. Diarrhea and nausea can stay for several hours or one day after taking the oil.

Morning time is ideal
It is better to take castor oil in the morning after a full night's sleep. It works great at that time. If it is taken at night, diarrhea and cramping can cause disturbance and make relaxed sleep impossible. Woman can become too tired to labor properly. Take care that it is not taken before going to sleep.

Usually, 2 tablespoons of oil is taken. It is mixed with other delicious foods, like ice cream or fruit juice. Consult an expert about the perfect dosage. Adjust the amount of oil as required. If it does not generate desired results, you can double the amount. In that situation, take 4 ounces instead of 2 ounce. Give twenty four hours gap between two doses.

Where to buy
Castor oil is available in many supermarkets. You can also buy it through internet from any reputed online store. Choose a reliable brand to make sure it is pure and no artificial ingredients are added into it. Impurity will surely have negative impact upon its benefits.

Taste improvement
Because the oil is bitter in taste, it is mixed with any fruit extract. Mix it in a cup of orange juice and drink. Lemon and lime juice is also a tasteful alternate.

Castor oil is not good for all women. There can be presence of meconium in amniotic fluid. If baby inhales meconium during birth or before that, it can be detrimental for him. It may not work fast for everyone. In some women, labor is triggered instantly. While, others don't feel any difference. There is no induction in them. In some women, diarrhea and nauseas becomes severe later on. Before taking oil for inducing labor, it is better to have complete information about it. Follow all precautions carefully, and make sure you don't exceed the limit. Stay under supervision of a physician.


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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Where To Invest Money - Learn More About Some Great Places To Invest Money!

Investing has long been one of the top ways to earn money and to make your money grow. Whether you're starting out with a little or a lot, you can earn a lot of money investing and really maximize your profits by choosing the best types of investments that are available and diversifying them.
Today, our investment experts are going to talk about some great places and ways to invest!

One of the longstanding ways to invest is in stocks. While years ago this used to be one of the most popular as well as profitable ways to invest, there have been many new ways of investing that have really beaten out stocks as one of the top ways to invest.
Stocks can definitely still be very profitable though and, although they may be risky, there's a lot of money to be made trading in the stock market and trading stocks can be more consistent than other types of investments.

Forex Trading
One of the ways to invest that is very quickly growing in popularity is Forex trading, Forex trading, or currency trading, offers a massive market for investors to get into. With an average daily turnover of around $1.3 Trillion per day, there's definitely a lot of money to be in the Forex trading market.
Forex trading can be very risky though, and unless you're an expert and experienced trader, having a great Forex trading system on your side while trading Forex is key to your success.

IRA Investments
IRA accounts have long been a consistent, stable and profitable way for people to invest. Even with only a little experience, an IRA investment account can be a very profitable way for someone to earn money and really be able to maximize their profits over the long term.

There are stories of people putting some money in IRA accounts, forgetting about it for a couple years and coming back to see a lot more in their account from their investment. An IRA account is a great way to invest over the long term as well because returns are generally more consistent than many other investments and therefore it offers a great way for people to invest money and see a nice, consistent and stable return.

The best way to invest is to invest using multiple methods in order to diversify your investments and hopefully maximize stability as well as profit potential!


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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Daily Forex Trading: Trading System That Works?

When you mention the idea of daily forex trading to most people, they will blanch at the thought and say that daily trading these contracts is a very risky venture and certainly not something which beginning traders should be involved in. Now there is some truth to this; daily forex trading carries a certain degree of risk, as does any kind of investment and even the most experienced professionals in the field know that this is something to be done with caution.

However, that does not mean that it is something that you need to steer clear of entirely; as a matter of fact, daily forex trading can be a great addition to your overall investment strategy. It is relatively easy to manage your risk and the investment you need to make is small compared to the potential for gains. It also allows you a large degree of leverage with your investments, since with a small amount of money, you have the ability to have control over a fairly large amount of foreign currency.

However, you need to learn as much as you possibly can about the forex market, how to interpret the movements in the price of currency and how business and political events can affect your trades.
Traders have to try to anticipate the direction of foreign currency exchange market movements; a correct guess means profits, an incorrect one leads to losses. There are a lot of different possible strategies you can use in daily forex trading and as an investor, you need to be very well informed if you hope to be successful. It is best to begin with the simplest of trading strategies and as you learn more, you will be able to move on to some of the more complex techniques used by more experienced forex traders. Knowing when to use which strategy is what you need to aim for as you learn and grow as an investor, since this allows you to significantly lower your risks of loss.

When people tell you that daily forex trading can be risky, they're absolutely right - but so is the foreign currency exchange market and nearly every other investment vehicle out there. The key is to learn as much about the foreign currency exchange market as possible in order to enable you to understand the risks, the potential rewards and to develop well thought out forex trading strategies which minimize your risks and maximize your earning potential.
There is always more to learn, but the more you know, the better your trades will be. Use a little caution and you could make a very healthy income from your daily forex trading activities.


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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Smart Investing

Investment is a financial term, broadly implying the channelization of money to earn profit. With shaky economies, some irrational business decisions at macro level, and uncertain job markets, investing well slips into the block of present day life's necessities. You can invest in one or more of the key instruments given below. Please note that each channel has some advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it's better to go for a wide spread and invest in diversified tools. In addition, make sure you read and fully understand all the investment documents & the associated legalities. Here are your main options:
  • Real Estate: One of the high yield investment methods, property investment is easy to understand and make. Because of this, it is most popular among people of all economic levels. As a standard, land yields more returns than a built-up property. Real estate investment usually requires a huge capital and a relatively long timeframe for yielding profit. But, whatever time it takes, the returns are almost assured and are multiplied. Just make sure the documents are all genuine and legally correct.

  • Stocks: With the pitching of employee class into stock investing, it is one of the fastest growing sectors. Futures, options, and equities are the key category here. As a standard, you buy stocks when it's bearish (at a low rate), but is likely to go bullish (high rate) in the near or mid-term. You sell and reap profit when those shares go bullish. However, the market may or may not behave the way we expect. In fact, stock market sentiments are said to be highly irrational and this makes it a risky bet. Still, since the capital requirement is low, shares are popular. Low to medium level investment is ideal for salaried people as well as the business class. Proper understanding or professional help and constant tracking of the market can be helpful in wise investment or disinvestment to reap profits or to avoid/minimize losses. The timing of transaction is very important here as the stock prices move through the stock exchange timing.

  • Insurance: Life insurance and medical & accidental insurance are yet another way of 'safe' investing. Actually, they are tools for preventing financial losses, or for providing the saved money at the most needed times. If not offered by the employer, then one must have these insurances done to financially cover up for the health related exigencies. People, who cannot afford financial stakes elsewhere, should go for insurance policies for retirement, children's education, etc.

  • Gold: This has always been the safest of 'long term' investment tool. It almost never sinks your investment. At the most, you won't get profit, but you may not incur loss also. Interestingly, largely, the economic slowdown triggered the rise of gold prices. People from all over the world are investing in gold and expect moderate profit in the next few years down the line. Gold is a safe and affordable investment even for the economically weak people.

  • Mutual Funds: These are more like hedged investment. Several investors' money is used to buy different securities, forming a portfolio. The holdings are so chosen that the losses are none or only minimal. Accordingly, the returns are also moderate only. It is better to go for professionally managed fund rather than building your own portfolio without an in-depth understanding of stocks fluctuations. It is better not to invest too much money in mutual funds, as the scope of returns drops in any economic or financial disturbance. The other tools are sturdier than these funds.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quality Time With Our Kids Isn't Just Being In The Same Room

My daughter sent me a text yesterday asking me for a simple cookie recipe. She needed to find something new and fun for John, he is 3 1/2, to do. I love to bake, so I was very happy to see that they were going to bake something together. It is a great way for parents and kids to have some quality time.

I know that the weather has not been the best for them lately. They have had about a week of rain, ice, and snow. John and his older brother, Tyler, who is 5, were so excited when they woke up Monday morning to see snow on the ground that, in an excited hurry to build a snow man, they got dressed and ran out the door not realizing how cold it was. Unfortunately, not only was it far too cold to be playing outside, Tyler had to go to school. That meant that John was going to be inside all day, again, and he would not have his brother to play with.

Even as adults we know what it's like to feel a little stir crazy. Children have a much harder time trying to channel all that energy productively. I have to say though that John came up with a way that was pretty creative. I can laugh because and it didn't happen to me.

You see, my daughter has a newborn as well, a little girl, so she tries to get a nap in when she can. It was a Sunday, and the whole family was home. She asked their dad to watch the two boys for a little while so she could take a nap while the baby was sleeping. He agreed, reluctantly, so she reminded him that it would give them a chance to spend a little time together. Well, he put a movie in for John and Tyler to watch, and then fell asleep.

When my daughter woke from her nap, she went into the front room and froze in disbelief. She said, "Mom, the whole room was sparkling." It turns out that while their dad was sleeping, John, the mischievous one of the two, went into the kitchen and got the Elmer's glue out of the drawer. He then proceeded to squeeze glue all over the floor, and all over the couch, and all over his dad.

He then got a container of glitter and shook it out all over the floor, and all over the couch, and all over his dad, who slept through the whole thing. My daughter said, "Mom I wanted to be mad but all I could do was laugh. I try to tell him that the boys have got to be watched. You can't just stick them in front of the TV and expect them to not get into anything. They are boys. He he just doesn't get it, now maybe it will sink in." She said that he still had glitter in his hair when he left for work the next day.

Obviously John was feeling like doing some arts & crafts, not watching a movie. It is a good idea to give kids an option as opposed to making them just sit and stare at the TV and expecting them to enjoy it.

I can see dad leaning more toward food than glue and glitter. Try suggesting making some mini pizzas on English Muffins. They still get to make something, and then they get to eat it. Then next time, get a tube of crescent rolls and a package of mini hot dogs, and make some pigs in a blanket. There are so many ideas and recipes online for easy things you can make together. If you set aside a regular day and time for that, your kids will look forward to it all week and before you know it, so will you. Most importantly, spend quality time with your children, you can't get that time back, and memories are priceless. One day memories of you is all they will have, so make them the best that you can.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Few Things To Consider Before Buying A Home

Purchasing a home is considered part of the "American dream." And while it is a great privilege, it is also something that comes with a lot of responsibility, both before and after you close (finalize the purchase). If you have ever rented an apartment, you know that that is also an extensive process, with you having to find a place, save up a deposit, and undergo a tenant screening before you even pack the first box.

Buying a home is a similar, if not even more extensive process. While the process has a few similarities, there are quite a few differences. For example, instead of saving a deposit and the first month's rent, you will likely need a down payment, which is way more than the "first and last month's rent". Most lenders require at least three percent (3%) of the mortgage price. For example, a home selling for $150,000 requires minimum of $4,500 down. The percentage varies, and three percent normally applies to first time buyers or those with excellent credit, although exceptions apply. You also have to consider closing costs, although the seller may help you as well.

While you may have the deposit in hand, you also have to undergo a background check. Not the type of background check that looks into criminal history, but your credit. Here, the mortgage broker makes sure you have made past payments in a timely manner, and that you have a satisfactory score, a minimum of 620 or 650. If you do not have the proper credit score, obtain your credit report and look at the problem areas, then try to resolve them.

Your debt to income (DTI) ratio also comes into play here. This is the amount of revolving bills (debt) compared to what you make each month (income). For example, if you have $1,200 in debt and make $3,000, your DTI would be 40 percent (40%). Most lenders want a DTI of less than 33 percent (33%), but are possibly willing to make exceptions for factors like good credit. However, 40% would put you in jeopardy regardless of credit. Take a look at your expenses and income, and work on reducing the former and somehow increasing the latter. Paying off credit cards, car or student loans are all the best ways to get a reasonable DTI, and increase your chances of purchasing a home.

In the meantime, if you see a house you like, ask the seller if her or she is willing to rent the place out for a year or two, while you work on your credit or other issues. When you feel you are ready, you could always try and purchase the place down the line.


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Safety Tips for Families

Home safety should be your main priority at all times. Your loved ones are the most important people in your life, so it is only natural to keep them safe. Your job as a parent is to teach your children the dos and don'ts at home to prevent accidents. Have the right home fixtures to keep everything in order and prevent the spread of diseases. Learning the fundamentals of home safety should help you keep your family free from dangers.

Create an Emergency Plan
Come up with a plan you can use when unexpected situations arise. Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, so preparing for these situations is ideal. Think of all the possible threats you might face at home such as a fire, accidents, and break-ins. Teach your children what they need to do in case someone gets hurt or when an intruder enters your house. Write down emergency hotlines or numbers of friends and family they should call to get help. Every level of your home must have an extension of your landline so your family members can call for help easily.

Teach your child how to perform first aid and use fire extinguishers. Create an evacuation plan in case of fire. Have fire exits around the house so that you and your family can evacuate during emergencies. Make sure you can only open these fire exits from the inside to prevent burglary. Draw a map of your house shows the fire exits. Have regular fire drills to give them an idea how to do it properly.

Maintain a Healthy Environment
Keep your home clutter-free to reduce the risk of diseases. Use storage cabinets in all of your rooms to keep things organised. Clean your house regularly, especially your kitchen and bathroom, to prevent slips when you move around the house. Clear out walking paths like stairs to prevent accidents. Buy home equipment like a dehumidifier to prevent health threats. Dehumidifiers keep home cool and prevent the growth of mould and mildew, which causes several diseases such as asthma and allergies.

Maintain privacy and safety
Maintain privacy to prevent intrusions. Be mindful of whatever you share with the public using the Internet. Announcing that you are away from home can give intruders an opportunity to enter your home. Use curtains to prevent someone from sneaking in. Leave your lights on or play music to make it look like someone is inside the house even when no one is around. Lower your landline volume or transfer calls to your mobile to prevent someone from noticing that no one answers from your home.

Enhance security
Keep your entry points secured. Use security devices like doors and window alarms to prevent burglary. Set up surveillance cameras to have an eye around the house 24/7 if you are willing to spend more money for security. Choose cameras with high resolution to get a clearer view. Installing these kinds of appliances and security devices are important to maintain home safety.


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Monday, October 8, 2012

Finding the Right Home for Your Needs

If you intend to live in a large city or any highly urbanized area, you are likely to live in a standardized production home. You can either rent or buy a production home such as those found in suburban subdivisions. Condominiums, townhouses and apartments are the best options if you prefer to live near the business district. The population density in cities makes it necessary to save land spaces. Since the land area of a city is fixed, the alternative is to build upwards. Hence, it is not surprising why skyscrapers are the standard landmarks that dot the landscape of many major cities.

Urban homes
Finding a production home in an urban jungle is the best bet that you have in terms of a decent but affordable dwelling place. By definition, a house is a building that is intended for human dwelling. It could be a bungalow, a duplex, a single detached, or a row house. For most city-dwellers, the high population density means that competition for spacious homes is steep.
Apartments and condominiums are classified as duplex dwellings. These are the most common types of dwellings found in highly urbanized areas because of the limited amount of space. Most of these dwellings are either too cramped or too expensive for the average working person. Achieving balance between affordability and functionality should be the main goal when searching for homes. This applies both in highly urbanized areas and in rural areas.

Budgetary constraints
Searching for the right type of house is not only limited by the location and the available land space but also by personal circumstance. As mentioned earlier, a balance between affordability and functionality must be the primary consideration when searching for homes to buy or rent. The budgetary constraints, however, will primarily determine your range of options. If you have very limited financial resources, it would be difficult to have a spacious and beautiful home.
Hence, it is important to have comparative list of house prices or rental costs. Renting a dwelling place is a more practical option for those who are living in cities. This option is also good for those who are not planning to settle down in one place. Paying real property taxes and other legal obligations can be avoided in this manner.

Family size
Choosing the location, type and size of house will also be determined by the number of people that will live in a house. Newly wed couples may get by living in a small, two-bedroom apartment. However, the need for larger house becomes more apparent and compelling as the number of family members increases. Additional family members will also mean major changes. For instance, raising children will make it necessary to look for a house that is near the schools and other conveniences.
The size of the family is may also serve as the basis for choosing the type of dwelling. A large family will need several bedrooms. A two-storey, single detached home is ideal for a family with growing number of children. There will be a need for ample yard space for playing and recreational or bonding activities of the family.


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Monday, October 1, 2012

Healthy Family Life

Building Healthy Families and Communities.

Counselors, educators, ministers, and anyone else who has a vested interest in helping others must sometimes cry out in pain when confronted with the challenges facing those who come to them for direction.

Why do an estimated seventeen percent of middle school and high school students dabble in drugs and alcohol? Why is this on the rise even in private schools?

Why do people suffer from psychiatric illnesses stemming from child abuse, extended trauma, and ongoing stress in their lives?

Why do children suffer the pain of living in homes tainted by alcohol and drug abuse?
The incidence of psychosis nearly triples around the age of fifteen to twenty one among young people who were raised in abusive homes. The nervous systems of preschool children become under attack by the presence of child abuse. These children may mature into adults whose capacity for functioning normally is severely compromised. The cost to society can be huge.
So how do we turn the corner?

Consider the following ten steps to healthy individuals, families, and communities.
1. Encourage development of positive community connections including:
Connections with spiritual groups such as churches, synagogues, or mosques.
Connections with support groups designed to help people overcome challenges.
Connections with education systems.
2. Encourage abstinence from mind altering substances. Criminal activity and drug and alcohol abuse go hand in hand. Thousands can be spared the horror of trauma and abuse if incidence of addictions are reduced. Children will be spared the trauma of abuse.
3. Find local and national resources that support the development of healthy families. Check out this information on the internet.
4. Make a consistent effort to keep yourself and your family healthy with the implementation of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Simply avoiding simple sugars can have a profound influence on health.
5. Change your mindset from one of living only for self to one of networking in an effort to reach out and help others. This will result in support being reciprocal.
6. Learn to live in your strengths and to encourage others to find theirs. An excellent resource for this is Dr. Martin Seligman's positive psychology.
7. Find your personal passion and line up your activities to fit that desire.
8. Live to encourage, exhort, and uplift self and others. Doing so will have a positive effect on everyone in your circle.
9. Make your family your first priority.
10. Above all, learn to laugh and appreciate the gift of life.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Best, And Easiest, Methods To Sell Your Home Lightening Quick

Don't believe anyone that says selling a house will be easy. It doesn't matter if your house is in great condition and priced perfectly, the inspections, showings, and open houses are a hassle. Every home sale involves those tasks. If you're worried about selling in a timely manner, here are some things you can do to make your home more attractive from the start.

1. Do what you can to make the exterior of the house appealing. The shrubs and trees shouldn't be overgrown so take the time to trim them back. Giving the fence or porch railing a fresh coat of paint can create the look of new. Flower beds should be free of debris and leaves.

2. Go through your house and remove the collections, personal items, and clutter. Use a box and gather it all for the time being and put it away. Now is the time to use your attic and garage.

3. Scrub, sweep, repeat! Your house can never be too clean when people are looking through it at a showing. Don't neglect key places and the smell of cleaning products goes a long way.

4. Don't expect to make a high profit off your house in this market. Houses are selling slowly after a lot of negotiations and yours will most likely be no different.

Those are just some easy reminders of things you can do without starting a huge project to help your house sell. The other area to consider is the seriousness of your real estate agent. Be sure your house is on their personal site and is being marketed as heavily as the others in their inventory. Just because yours has been on the market for a while doesn't mean everyone has seen it so it should still be in circulation.

If that isn't happening, consider hiring another agent who cares about your property and wants to make the commission off of it. Agents, like any other person in the workforce, can become complacent and sometimes lazy. Don't allow them to affect your future. You can do a lot on your end to procure home buyers and even provide concessions for the sale to make it happen. It is possible to sell your property fast.

If you are able to work with home buyers and provide them with answers to their questions, and you are proactive with the contracts, you should see some good activity. There are times, however when all those things fail to bring in offers, you may have to face the reality that your house just may not sell. It is the same as others in the area and not enough buyers are able to get financing right now and the inventory outweighs the demand. Your house may be just like all the others but the buyers wind up choosing the competition. It may be blocks closer to the school or the master bedroom may have a larger closet. These are little things that buyers look for and when they can find the whole package in a house, they are likely to choose that one. Your house was probably on their list, if they were looking in that area but other features outweighed the ones you had to offer. It can be discouraging, but your agent should be able to give you advice on what you need to do in the future. If the competition has things you don't, you need to find out what you have they don't. Your house may have a larger backyard yet you aren't advertising the exact size. It didn't seem important in the past to measure the guest room or the family room but now that you have competition, you have "up your game."
You can't afford to be complacent with the pictures, the details, or turn away showings, regardless of when they call. There are times in real estate when this happens and houses stay on the market or stay vacant for long periods. It is possible your house may not sell for years. Don't let this happen to you.


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Advice For Students Living Away From Home

Studying away from home can be one of the biggest upheavals a young person can face, the idea of leaving everything they have known behind and making a new start somewhere far from the family and friends means that they are making independent choices and decision. This can be daunting as well as being freeing but young people will still look for a certain amount of guidance.
Here are some top tips for students to help them face the world of independence.

Living away from home means no more can I just borrow this from your wallet? It means you are in charge and responsible for your own money so be prepared. Maybe getting a home budget software programme can help you track exactly what you are spending and where. It might help you make better decisions with you money. Try to live off what you can earn part-time, keeping a steady income for your fun money might mean less debt at the end of your studies.

Study, Study Study!
And one more for the point... study! Moving away to study is not all about this exciting new time in your life meeting people and having new experiences. You are working to achieve something big in your personal development it is an opportunity to get something that can never be taken away and show the world you can shine. Studying well and achieving high will show prospective employers you can dig deep and work hard. It is a very difficult job market at the moment and if you waste this chance to get the right grades it will soon be gone and you will have to face this failure at every job interview you have for the next few years and explain it.

Special Offers
Here is where you can really make your money work harder for you, taking advantage of student discounts, special offers in travel, storage, food, nights out, software and technology on offer to students in a great way of getting the things you want at a discount. Using any group discount sites, social media offers or student discounts to make things a little cheaper will help you have fun without using all of you money in one go. You should always shop around for things you need and find out whether you can get it cheaper because you are a student. You may want to leave your belongings near campus while you go home instead of taking it all back and forth to your parents and using a student discount for storage will help. You should also be able to discounted travel if you don't drive and be may even be able to get discounted accommodation through a house share when you are a student.

Find Yourself
Use this time to experience new things like a different cultural perspective, music or just getting to know new people and it will help you get to know yourself and the person you are. It seems a bit obvious but coming away from your family will mean you the opinions you have been spoon fed since you were young can be challenged and affirmed by experiencing new people.


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Should I Have A Baby - 3 Things To Consider First

Being a parent is a life changing experience and it is something that a large number of adults would like to consider. In fact, it is not at all common for people to think 'should I have a baby?' when they reach a certain age or stage in life. Further, many people who cannot have children for some reason or the other are filled with a great deal of regret on account of it.

Parenthood is filled with a great deal of responsibility and the decision to have a child should ideally not be taken lightly. Your child is more likely to have a better future if his or her arrival is planned for properly. It is also a good idea to consider a few things before you think of having a child. They are:

1. Are you healthy? Carrying a child for nine months can take a toll on your health if you are not already in good physical condition. Besides, you are more likely to suffer from pregnancy related problems if you start off with health issues. If you are planning to get pregnant then you need to swear off alcohol, cigarettes and recreational drugs well in advance so that there is no chance that they will harm your health or that of your unborn child. You should also improve your diet so that you get into the best possible physical condition.

2. Are your finances in order? You don't need to be a wealthy person in order to have a child but you could at least aspire to have as little debt as possible before you conceive a child. Keep in mind that you will have to face a lot of expenses once your family has a new member.

3. Are you in a position to provide your child with a stable environment? Children thrive when they are in such an environment. Therefore, you need to find out how you can make this happen. Being able to receive support from close family members is a very good thing.

If you are satisfied with your responses to the questions raised by your original query 'should I have a baby', then you are quite prepared to have a baby. Most people prefer to let nature take its own course at this point of time and this is generally the best thing to do. However, if you are not successful after a few months of trying for a child then it is time to plan things better by keeping track of your menstrual cycle.


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Are You A Smart Shopper? 5 Top Tips For Beating Supermarket Costs!

With the nation's larger supermarkets reporting on their trading results, two things stood out about consumer behaviour and both suggest that it's not just the phones that are smart these days. When it comes to our food shopping it seems that the recession has brought out the frugal make-do-and-mend trait. Supermarkets have reported that while consumers continue to do the 'big shop' at out of town stores once a month or so, the trend seems to be for shoppers to focus their smaller, daily shops using either online suppliers or local stores. In addition, the big winners in the profits race are not, perhaps surprisingly, the middle range stores but those at the extremes, the discount superstores and quality stores. So are you a smart shopper?

1. Smart Shopping Basics
Online offers, discount vouchers and codes are everywhere these days. Retailers offer them to coupon sites and voucher sites in an attempt to boost sales. For online shoppers this means that offers are only a search engine search away and, before you buy, add the words "discount voucher" to your search term. Most supermarkets will offer a discount or cash-back deal when you first sign up along with regular internet-only discounts. If you'd prefer to do the 'big shop' in the comfort of your own home (and save on petrol) then internet supermarket shopping is for you.

2. Quality or Quantity?
Supermarkets such as Waitrose have long prided themselves on offering quality products. This in theory should mean that during the recession they should have lost all their customers and now have signs across the door indicating they're no longer trading. Yet this is not so. Smart shoppers know the old maxim 'buy cheap, buy twice' and quality produce remains popular as we continue to worry about our health and focus on making sure we get the best for our limited money.

3. Stocking up on Fillers
At the other end of the scale, LIDL and ALDI have also reported healthy profits. When it comes to bulk buying of staple, non-perishable products, smart shoppers know that you can't water down rice so why pay the extra price? The value supermarkets are where you should be searching for discounts on your basic food stores, saving money for the quality purchase mentioned above.

4. Compare Supermarket Prices
Before you do your big monthly shop, check out some of the handy price comparison sites such as My and Compare Supermarket - these types of sites will compare prices for every product you want, then find the cheapest supplier. Typically they compare all of the big players such as Tesco, Sainsbury's, Ocado and Asda with average savings of around £17 every time you shop so well worth a look!

5. What's in it for me?
The supermarkets' results are, of course, of more interest to them. However, for consumers the results can provide a clue to future bargains. The mid-range supermarkets are the ones who will be next to up the heat in the on-going supermarket wars, with a range of offers, and special rewards. For smart shoppers these supermarkets are the ones to keep an eye on.


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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Best Ways To Sell Your Home Quick And Easily

Sometimes in life there are certain things that dictate what, and how quickly, things happen. You may not have the luxury of time on your side when you are selling your house and you may be working against factors you can't change, like the houses location or size. Sometimes timing is more important then location, and sometimes if your timing is off it doesn't matter about your location. Sometimes it is necessary to sell a house quickly for more then just conveniences sake. Here are just some of the reasons you would try for a quick home sale.

* Financial hardships * Job transfers * School changes * Health reasons * Extended family needs
A seller who needs to sell for financial hardships is faced with a tough decision. Should you sell your home for any price and move on or hold out for the highest offer and run the risk of not getting one? This is a scary situation and your financial future depends on the outcome of the decision. If the house doesn't sell, the threat of foreclosure is looming yet if it sells for a low price, the seller will end up owing money. It is a no-win situation but one outcome of a quick house sale is that your credit won't be destroyed for a future home purchase.

The job transfer can be slightly easier to deal with because it is an exciting time. The new job will be a good thing for you and you can always rent in the new city until the old house sells. You still don't want the process to take too long as you'd like to buy a house in the new city and create a feeling of stability for your life. Paying for two homes can be taxing so there is no reason to drag out the process.

If the move is school related, the situation usually dictates that you need to be moved out according to the school schedule. Many families will move to a better school district or one that suits their needs in a more efficient manner such as a stellar special needs program or a stronger math and science program. These are ways to provide a better life and most parents will not hesitate to do whatever is necessary to accomplish those goals, including a quick house sale.

One of the most stressful moves can be for health reasons. Whether it is for a long-term treatment option or for better weather that allows you to heal, this is a stressful time. This move is being forced upon you and you have to have quick house sale in order to get the treatment you need.

As parents age, their children sometimes need to move closer to them in order to help them. Other times, the children may want to be closer so the families can spend more time together. This is a natural reaction to aging parents yet it can cause a difficult situation if the children have to move a great distance. In order to fully move and move on with life, a quick house sale is necessary. Anytime the sale can be done in a timely and efficient manner, the better everyone will feel about the move.

Regardless of the reason you need to sell your home, you need to sell fast. Don't let time pass you by, as the less time you have, the faster you need to sell. It doesn't matter if you can get cash for property if you can sell and move on without too much stress. Your main focus now should be to find the fastest way to sell a house.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How To Make Your Rental Home Feel Like Your Own

Tired of feeling like a stranger in your rental home? Although living in a house that doesn't belong to you may leave you with a long list stating what you can and can't do to the property, there are many ways in which you can personalise the house and make it at least feel like your own.
Below are some tips on how to feel at home in a rental house. Although it is very seldom that tenants find their dream home within a rental property, small changes can make a big difference. Unlike many buyers who purchase their home with the intention of altering the existing property, most tenants do not want to embark on costly renovations to a property that ultimately does not belong to them.

Before deciding to make any permanent alterations to the rental property it is essential to either check the terms within the lease agreement or to discuss proposed plans with the landlord. If the planned renovations will make the house more valuable in the future, the owner may encourage the remodelling. Should the landlord oppose the renovation plans, tenants need to accept the property for what it is and save their renovation plans for when the time comes to purchase their own property.

One way to feel at home in your rental home is to give it a fresh coat of paint. After discussing it with your landlord, put your mark on the house by painting the rooms in your favourite shades. Hanging pictures of loved ones and friends from the walls will instantly make the area feel like home. Just remember that in many cases, the landlord will want the tenant to leave the house the same way it was found- therefore the walls may need to be restored to their original colour, with any new holes in walls to be filled in and painted over. If the landlord does not give permission to paint the walls, bright decor such as curtains, cushions and rugs can help to brighten up the space.

When living in a rental house, it is the perfect opportunity to invest in some great pieces of furniture, as these will instantly personalise the space and transform the house into an area in which you are comfortable in. Items in the house that can be easily removed, such as light fittings and door handles, can be replaced with ones more tailored to the tenant's likings and style.

The tenant must however ensure that these items are refitted when the time comes to leave the property. If the alterations being made to the rental home are well planned, tasteful and professionally carried out, when it comes time to vacate the property there will be a minimal amount of repair work required and you will not risk losing your deposit.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Steps To Surviving Economic Collapse

Step One: Get educated. Don't rely on the mainstream media for accurate and unbiased information. Start looking around at independent news sources. Open your mind. Don't let your predetermined positions filter the information. Look at the trends, dissect the facts. A favorite tactic of the government is to change formulas when calculating economic indicators.

Challenge the figures. Check out wheat the results would be using the same calculations used when the metric was introduced. You'll be sickened at the deceitful and misleading tactics called information.

Step Two: Deduce worst case scenarios. Make sure you take your blinders off and confront it head on. Your family depends on it. What is the worst that could happen? To help you understand, look at areas of the world affected by hyperinflation, epidemics, civil unrest, and government tyranny. Look at how the people were affected. Then, start putting those scenarios in your neighborhood, city, state, and country. These worst case scenarios will be the foundation to survival.

Step Three: Make plans. For each of your worst case scenarios, make a plan. Will you stay at home or go somewhere safer? How will you travel? What will you do when you get there? How will you live? Can your family actually perform the plan? Is Grandma in a wheelchair and you plan on walking to cousin Fred's through the woods. Make it real and make it doable.

Step Four: Prepare for life. Once you decide where you'll end up waiting out the disaster, you'll have to plan on living. What will you eat? How will you wash? Is there clean water available? Make sure you refer back to your worst case scenarios. Without electricity water and sewer are sure to fail. Your plans should address cleanliness for disease-free living. An illness during a state of collapse could be a death sentence. Address security concerns. What will you do when confronted with the unsavory element coming to take your food, water, wife, husband, or children? Can you defend yourself? Can your family members defend themselves? If you purchase firearms make sure all family members know how to use them well and use them safely.

Step Five: Be realistic. If part of your plan relies on hunting for food make sure you have an appropriate weapon and know how to use it. Hunt before you need it to learn how. It is not as easy as people think. Fishing is the same. The time to learn gardening, fishing, animal husbandry, and hunting is not when your life depends on it.

Step Six: Get your family members involved. Start practicing by living a sustainable lifestyle.
Follow these five steps and you'll be way ahead of the rest of the crowd when disaster strikes. It is only a matter of time, not IF.


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Food For Families - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Hunger is on the rise in America. Food stamp, or SNAP, usage reached 46.7 million in June, 2012. With this record-high number of families receiving assistance, it's no wonder that many are looking for information on qualifying for, and receiving, this benefit.

Qualifying for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) means that your household must meet specific requirements. Income guidelines apply, as do resource limits, employment verification, and information on all household members applying for benefits. Age, disability, and immigration status can also affect your eligibility.

The income requirement guidelines include both gross and net limits. Your household income must fall within the ranges specified for your household size, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Some of these circumstances may include elderly or disabled household members, deductions allowed, or receipt of other benefits. Income qualifications can be extensive and confusing. For most households, it is best to speak to someone at your local office. Web-based help is also available, at the USDA-SNAP website.

Resource limits also impact eligibility for SNAP. Your personal belongings and home are exempted, but your car is considered a resource, as are any bank accounts, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, burial plots, or a host of other assets. These resources cannot total more than $2,000 in most cases. If they do, your household will not qualify for assistance, unless a member of the household is elderly or disabled.

Your household will also be subject to specific employment requirements. Pay stubs or employer verification will be required, if you are currently employed. This will be required of all employed members of your household. There are also employment requirements for currently unemployed, able-bodied members filing for benefits. You must be conducting a job search, willing to accept retraining, and able to take advantage of any job placement opportunities that may be offered to you.

There are limits to the benefits you can receive if you do not meet these requirements. Your benefits will be for no more than three months in any 36 month period.

Special consideration is given to the elderly and the disabled. SNAP requirements for able-bodied adults are very different from those for the disabled and elderly people. Understanding all the restrictions and exemptions for the elderly or disabled can be quite difficult, and it is recommended that you contact a worker at your local office if you fall into these categories. Benefits are also available for immigrants, but this eligibility depends on your status. It can't hurt to check and see if you qualify.


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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Getting Your Kids To Clean Their Room

Kids can be quite messy at times and they hate it if someone tries to clear up their things around the room or ask them to do it. Parents find it very difficult to get their kids to clean their rooms. Below are a few ways that can help you get your kids to clean their rooms.
Start Early

Children start learning habits at a very early age. If, as toddlers, you never trained them to clear up their toys after playing, they will certainly never clear up after themselves. You have to start training them and ingraining in their minds the importance of cleanliness, at a very young age. If they develop it as a habit in their early years, they will not find it difficult to clean their rooms when asked. Also, they will be less messy so they will not have much to clean after themselves.

Delegate Responsibilities
If your child is about four years old, you can delegate small and easy tasks to them like picking up their toys, or putting their dirty clothes in the hamper. As your child grows, you can increase the responsibility and give them other work around the house like setting the table or clearing it or cleaning up their own room.
In case there are two or more than two children in a house, divide the duties among them fairly. Make sure that the chores are age appropriate and each chore is carried out.

Give them Credit!
This is very important to keep your children motivated and encourage them to help you out. Praise and reward your kids from time to time to keep their spirits up. Recognize their efforts and appreciate them for their work. If children feel that helping around the house and cleaning their rooms is actually important work and that they are being praised for their hard work, they will do it with more fervor and enthusiasm.

Help them out
Children get bored very quickly. If you have asked them to clear their room and they lose interest in it after a while, go and help out with them. Engage them in interesting conversation while you work and before they realize it, the work will be done.
If the cleaning involves vacuuming and moving furniture, you can ask your children to lend a hand while you work as they will not be able to execute such difficult tasks by themselves.


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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Leaving A Home After Foreclosure

For most a foreclosure is not something that you ever plan to deal with or think that you will. However it is something that people all over the country are having to deal with all the time. If you tried to avoid the foreclosure but did not have any success here are a few tips you should follow when leaving your home.

As a homeowner and even as a renter, you have rights. If you are going through a foreclosure, there is no need to panic or leave the house immediately when you get the foreclosure notice. You are entitled to leave the home in a dignified manner and to give yourself the chance to move on with your future. You can't always avoid foreclosure, but you can retain your dignity.

1. Check with the bank or lending company to see if they are offering an incentive for leaving the house in order. Many homeowners are angry when leaving their home after a foreclosure notice and may decide to destroy the house, take the appliances to sell, or leaving messes for the bank to clean. The incentives being offered are usually several hundred dollars; think about how that money would help you during this time and leave the house in order. According to a recent article in CNBC Financial Times, these incentives can range from $1000-$20,000 towards a fresh start.

2. Pack ahead of time. From the time you receive the notice until you actually have to be out of the house can vary by state and bank, but you can choose to be prepared. By organizing and cleaning out your belongings ahead of time, you can move in a calm and rational manner. If you wait until you have a tight deadline, you may feel overwhelmed and unable to pack efficiently. This can lead to poor packing, broken items, and including items that you could very well sell or give away. In a study done by MSN real estate, most people could purge their homes of 30% of items and not notice a difference.

3. According to the real estate site,, only the bank can tell you when to vacate the house. You are able to stay in the house until an actual eviction is filed. This basically means that you could have several weeks or even months before the bank will take possession of the house. If you are out before that day, you can move out in a dignified manner, just as you would had you sold the house in a real estate transaction. There is no need to leave in a dramatic rush but you also shouldn't wait until the day of eviction as law enforcement may pay a visit to the property. The best plan of action is to take the foreclosure notice seriously and plan as quickly as possible to leave the home. You don't want to wait until the sheriff shows up with the eviction notice.

4. Homeowners can take certain items from the house. There are certain things you cannot take. Before you decide to take an item, ask yourself if removing the item will render the room or accessory unusable. For example, you cannot remove the sink from the kitchen because that would mean the kitchen would not be a functioning kitchen. You can, however, remove the shelving you had installed in the office that was not present when you first purchased the house.

The idea of a foreclosure is not one that you want to deal with but in reality, it can happen to even the most vigilant homeowners. When it does, you do not have to leave the house in frenzy or wait for the sheriff to come and start throwing out your belongings. Take the time to plan and be proactive for your future.


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Monday, July 30, 2012

Teaching Our Kids To Recognize Tyranny And Stand Up For Their Rights

We've all seen the letter floating around on Facebook. You know the one where the teacher suspends a student for disagreeing. The student would not accept that a kilometer was longer than a mile. The teacher threatened the student with suspension but the student was adamant, a mile is longer than a kilometer. The letter to the parents detailed that the student was suspended for disagreeing with the teacher. What?

We, as parents are busy. Grandparents can help. Our children need to learn how to critically dissect information and assimilate facts. Just look at our headlines today. Look where they come from. Our so-called news is bent either far to the left or far to the right. Facts are rarely part of news anymore. Even the weather has turned sensationalist. Kids cheer blizzards, not fear them! They're being indoctrinated into the rolls of the public controlled by fear. Look at what happened in Boston. The whole city was under house arrest out of fear. And they stayed there. What next? When a serial killer is on the loose, do we shut down the city and tell everyone to stay home? Or just those that fit the profile of a potential victim. Come on folks! Our thinking skills have been destroyed and replaced with 'obey at all costs' skills.

Many parents are not doing a good job of teaching by example. Parents are buys with their electronic gadgets, work, commuting, and friends. Children are loaded into the van for practice of one kind or another and then sequestered in their rooms for homework. They spend time with their parents in the same room not talking, not looking at each other, and not communicating at all. We all fail when our children care more about what some uneducated promiscuous foul-mouthed sitcom actress is wearing than the fact our President just signed another executive order, which may be illegal.
Educators are failing our children by insisting they believe lies, passing children through the grades that can't even read, let alone think, and resigning themselves to exist in a system that rewards the status quo. The few educators that do rock-the-boat, end up without a job. Parents can't afford private schools so take responsibility to turn off your devices for a few minutes each day and talk about something important for five minutes. Help your children dissect the propaganda and slanted sensationalist news. For the sake of our next generation, and the ones to follow, we have to teach the children to ask, 'why'?

The 'Liberty Dying' Book Series crosses genres from contemporary to dystopic as tomorrows America makes today's headlines! Read, "Jingling Our Change" for a disturbing, enlightening, enjoyable experience.


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Monday, July 23, 2012

How To Make The Most Of Your Home Storage

It doesn't matter if you have a large home or if you have one that is small, you are going to need to consider the amount of space that you have available. This is especially the case, however, when your home is smaller and you need to ensure that you have the room necessary to store all of the items that you have to store. Here are a few tips that can help you to save space in the home and to make the most out of what you have available.

Perhaps the most important thing that needs to be considered when looking for additional space in the home are your organizational skills. If you have things organized properly, they are going to utilize less space in the home which will allow you to store more items. From time to time, it is necessary for you to step back and to take a good look at the organization that is available. Making small changes, including having some organizational tools will help to make a large difference. What are some of those tools that should be considered?

Almost any area of the home is going to benefit from the use of storage boxes. It is important for you to consider, however, that not all of the items that need to be stored should be kept in a box. In some cases, you may even damage those items if they do not have access to fresh air. There are plenty of options that are available which will help you to store those items without causing any damage. In some areas of the home, you may also want to consider hanging a peg board. If you use the right types of pegboard hooks, you would be surprised with how much space you are able to gain and how organized your home will be.

In many cases, it is also necessary for you to utilize the closet space that you have available to the greatest extent possible. It may even be necessary for you to redesign the closet so that it is able to hold your items properly. Each of us have different needs when it comes to our closets, with some using them for storage space and boxes and others using them to store clothes. You can purchase closet components at most hardware stores for a relatively low price. Measure the space that you have carefully and take it with you to the hardware store, they should be able to assist you in choosing the components that you need.

One other suggestion that I would have for you is to utilize some of the unusual spaces in the home, such as under the beds. There are storage boxes that are available which will fit in those unusual spaces. Even though you are going to be using almost every area that is possible, it is still necessary for you to avoid using corners that are in the open. Try to keep your home as clutter free as possible and you will find that it is more comfortable to live in.


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Monday, July 16, 2012

Do You Know The Best Way To Sell Your Home?

One of the aspects of selling a house is how and when you will get an offer. Some sellers will get an offer within the first week the house is listed while others will have to wait for weeks, even months. Regardless of how long you have to wait, when that first offer comes in you are giddy with excitement when your agent calls to tell you the good news.

Hopefully the amount offered is close to the asking price so you can just take the deal and be done with the process. Sadly the offer is much lower then you would like to accept right at the moment. What do you do now? Do you bother to counter the offer or do you just let the buyer know that they are way off the mark?

Your agent will likely recommend that you counter with some reasonable middle ground offer. You don't want to give the house away but you do have the ability to come down off of the asking price. You have run the numbers and know you can go down to a certain price but with no concessions and no closing cost. You let your agent know and together you come up with a fair counter offer. This is the art of negotiating which is something that your agent should be able to help walk you through.

Here are a few quick tips in order to get you through a difficult negotiation and reach your ultimate goal of selling the house:

1. Make sure you are in constant communication with your agent. Do not walk away angry if the price is too low or if the potential buyer is asking for a lot of concessions. Your agent is on your side and they will want to know why you didn't like the offer and what could be done to fix it. After all they make money when you sell and not until then.

2. Take a few deep breaths. If you get some unexpected news about the price or something you have to do to close the sale take a deep breath. You might want to take some time and do some exercising like running or riding a bike. There is sometimes a limit on the offer but that is typically at least 24 hours. You don't have to make a decision in the first few minutes.

3. Take your emotional attachment from the house and look at your situation logically. Do you want your house? Are you ready to move into a new place? You are trying to move on with your life so stop feeling so attached to it and come down on the price so you can sell it and move on.

4. Be patient during the sale. After you make a counter offer you want to give the buyer time to digest everything. If you get impatient and barrage the buyer with request they might just walk away. You have waited this long already just wait another 24 hours.

5. Respond to every offer that you are sent. Always respond with a fair offer. You don't have to give it away but don't respond with the straight list price. Come down something, even if it is only a few thousand dollars. It shows respect for the buyer and for their time and effort and it could end in a sale in time.


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Monday, July 9, 2012

How to Use Vegetable Sauce Recipe in Different Ways

Investigations have shown that so many people are not aware that they can enjoy a variety of staple foods like: rice, boiled yam, fried plantain and beans, potatoes etc with these colorful vegetables, they think that these ingredients are only for salad and fried rice.

For those who have health issues such as diabetes, hypertension e.t.c., which prevents them from eating fried foods, tomato stews, and soups that contain much seasonings, this is a very wonderful, tasty and healthy alternative for you to enjoy your staples. It is very rich in vitamins and nutrients. I am going to teach you how to prepare and use it to your advantage.

To cater for a family of five, you need the following:
· Chicken or fish or meat (as preferred)
· Vegetable Oil or any other oil you may prefer (2 cooking spoons)
· 5 Spring Onions
· 8 Fresh Plum Tomatoes (Jos Tomatoes)
· 8 medium Carrots
· Cabbage (1 small bulb)
· Potatoes - optional (3 medium-sized)
· 1 Red Bell Pepper (optional)
· 1 Green Bell Pepper
· Green Peas (fresh)
· Salt - to taste
· Seasoning - optional (2 cubes e.g. Magi)

Before You Start
1. Wash and cut the plum tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and bell pepper. Do not forget to scrape off the body of the carrots before cutting and set them aside.
2. Peel the Irish potatoes (this is optional because you can make your soup without thickening it), wash and cut into small pieces. Blend into a thick paste and set aside. This will serve as thickener for the Vegetable Sauce.

Direction for cooking
- Wash and cut your chicken, or fish or meat into pieces, put them in a pot, add chopped onions, stock cubes and curry powder. Add also a litre of water and cook for about 10 minutes.
- When done, add a little measure of the oil that you prefer. Cover and cook for 15 minutes.
- Add the chopped tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes.
- Now, add the potato purée, carrot, chopped bell peppers and cabbage. Stir, cover and allow to cook for 5 minutes on high heat. Add salt to taste and the sauce is ready for serving.
You can increase or decrease the thickness of the vegetable sauce by increasing or decreasing the amount of potato puree added. This will be according to your taste and choice, but the important thing is that you have an alternative to what you do not want.
I know you will enjoy it.


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Monday, July 2, 2012

When Did You Last Cook With Your Family?

How long ago was it? Two days? Four? Thirty? Forget the number; it doesn't really matter. Was it recent enough? There's a chance that it was pretty recent, that just yesterday you and your kids grabbed a recipe that looked interesting and made it happen. Odds are better that it's been a while. I'll be honest; I didn't cook with my family as much as I wanted to, until I figured out how.
Like anything else, cooking with loved ones is a skill. There's a secret though: no one knows how to do it. Or at least what the goal is. What do I mean? Most people would say that if you are good at this 'skill' (cooking with family, or cowif for short), then your food will turn out better. The secret is...
It doesn't matter.


The food isn't what's important. Stay with me here, I'll explain. At the end of the day, what do you really remember about cooking with everyone? The food? Or the cooking?
Sure, you may kick yourself for adding a little too much salt or letting the garlic go 2 minutes too long, but that's not what's going to stick. I know what memories will really stick, what will really matter.

You'll remember your daughter laughing so hard milk almost came out her nose, or your husband almost dropping a meatball. So keep track, this is the first secret: the skill of 'cowif' (cooking with family) is in creating memories, not food. But I promised a different secret, didn't I? How I figured out to cook with mine more often.

Before we wander down that very important path, don't feel left out if you don't have any family that you live with or any kids to teach how to roll a meatball. Do you know how I define family? Anyone that massively impacts my life in a positive way. I have a lot of family because of this; you probably do too. Get together and cook up some inside jokes, some memories, some you-had-to-be-there moments. You're not too busy! That's what I thought too.

That's the state of things isn't it? We're busy. You're busy. You're overworked! You might even be a little underpaid even we're going to be really honest about it. So why do you do it? For your family! Here's what I figured out: my priorities were a little... skewed. Are yours?

We don't mean them to be. It sneaks up on us, like our car getting old or our shoes getting worn. It's just all the sudden happened. There's nothing you can do to stop it.
Okay fine, there is. Just reset your priorities. Don't panic, it won't take long, it won't throw your life into upheaval, it won't even be difficult. Just set aside the time. Pick one day each week that everyone can commit one or two hours to and rotate who picks the recipe. Think it's impossible?

The key is that planning. You have to set yourself up for success, and as busy as you are the only way to do that is to plan it out. Here are the steps to do so:

1. Figure out who all who want to share in these experiences and memories with you. Make this list as big as you possibly can! Firstly, people won't be able to come each time, this way you can reach out to them other times. Secondly, this gathering will probably grow over time. And thirdly, life is short!

2. Figure out the best day and time for everyone. This might be the same time each week, the same time each month, or it might need to be tweaked on an ongoing basis.

3. Decide who is in charge of the recipe. Different recipes, different cultures, different countries... these are your vacations. This is how you travel with your family without taking any vacation time from work. Challenge yourself! Explore new horizons! You might not like everything that you try, but the experiences will still be fantastic.

4. Commit! This is the easiest place to drop the ball. Be ruthless, be relentless! If someone says something came up, make sure it's something that really is a priority, and not something that's just a distraction.

Four steps. Maybe an hour or so of work. Is it worth it?
Think to the original question: When did you last cook with your family? How do you want to answer that question a month from now? Like most things, the words that you use really don't matter.
'2 months ago' with a twinge of regret and a slight sigh
'I don't remember' wondering why we don't cook more?
'4 days ago' with a slight grin, remembering the eggs incident
One last secret. The answer to the question isn't really my main focus; it isn't what I want to help you with. What I want to help you with is how you feel when you think about that question. When someone asks you about cooking I want you to laugh before they can finish their sentence, for tears to well up and for you to shake your head thinking about what a mess you and your friends made last time.

Want an example? Today some of my friends came over and we made a real simple ratatouille in about an hour with some pasta. In that hour, we discussed non vegetarian onions, watched a 13 month old try 5 different vegetables, and watched that same 13 month old go from bored to begging to be picked up so that he can help stir the pot. In an hour!
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