Monday, July 30, 2012

Teaching Our Kids To Recognize Tyranny And Stand Up For Their Rights

We've all seen the letter floating around on Facebook. You know the one where the teacher suspends a student for disagreeing. The student would not accept that a kilometer was longer than a mile. The teacher threatened the student with suspension but the student was adamant, a mile is longer than a kilometer. The letter to the parents detailed that the student was suspended for disagreeing with the teacher. What?

We, as parents are busy. Grandparents can help. Our children need to learn how to critically dissect information and assimilate facts. Just look at our headlines today. Look where they come from. Our so-called news is bent either far to the left or far to the right. Facts are rarely part of news anymore. Even the weather has turned sensationalist. Kids cheer blizzards, not fear them! They're being indoctrinated into the rolls of the public controlled by fear. Look at what happened in Boston. The whole city was under house arrest out of fear. And they stayed there. What next? When a serial killer is on the loose, do we shut down the city and tell everyone to stay home? Or just those that fit the profile of a potential victim. Come on folks! Our thinking skills have been destroyed and replaced with 'obey at all costs' skills.

Many parents are not doing a good job of teaching by example. Parents are buys with their electronic gadgets, work, commuting, and friends. Children are loaded into the van for practice of one kind or another and then sequestered in their rooms for homework. They spend time with their parents in the same room not talking, not looking at each other, and not communicating at all. We all fail when our children care more about what some uneducated promiscuous foul-mouthed sitcom actress is wearing than the fact our President just signed another executive order, which may be illegal.
Educators are failing our children by insisting they believe lies, passing children through the grades that can't even read, let alone think, and resigning themselves to exist in a system that rewards the status quo. The few educators that do rock-the-boat, end up without a job. Parents can't afford private schools so take responsibility to turn off your devices for a few minutes each day and talk about something important for five minutes. Help your children dissect the propaganda and slanted sensationalist news. For the sake of our next generation, and the ones to follow, we have to teach the children to ask, 'why'?

The 'Liberty Dying' Book Series crosses genres from contemporary to dystopic as tomorrows America makes today's headlines! Read, "Jingling Our Change" for a disturbing, enlightening, enjoyable experience.


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