Thursday, November 22, 2012

Using Castor Oil to Induce Labor

Castor oil induces labor in women, who are having difficulty in giving birth. Last days of pregnancy are critical. Usually, there is no definite day or time about childbirth. In some women, overdue happens. They don't feel any cramping. For them, labor can be induced with the help of this herbal oil.
Difficulty in labor can lead to serious issues in women. If nine months are passed and delivery is not taking place, it can put life of mother and baby in danger. Doctors use medications and other ways for timely labor. These have side-effects and may not work effectively. So, herbal remedy is the best option. It is safe and effective.

How oil works for induction
Castor oil is a laxative, which stimulates bowels. It also causes nausea, diarrhea and intestinal cramping. As a result, it helps deliver baby. It causes contractions in lower abdominal area, which shortens labor time. Diarrhea and nausea can stay for several hours or one day after taking the oil.

Morning time is ideal
It is better to take castor oil in the morning after a full night's sleep. It works great at that time. If it is taken at night, diarrhea and cramping can cause disturbance and make relaxed sleep impossible. Woman can become too tired to labor properly. Take care that it is not taken before going to sleep.

Usually, 2 tablespoons of oil is taken. It is mixed with other delicious foods, like ice cream or fruit juice. Consult an expert about the perfect dosage. Adjust the amount of oil as required. If it does not generate desired results, you can double the amount. In that situation, take 4 ounces instead of 2 ounce. Give twenty four hours gap between two doses.

Where to buy
Castor oil is available in many supermarkets. You can also buy it through internet from any reputed online store. Choose a reliable brand to make sure it is pure and no artificial ingredients are added into it. Impurity will surely have negative impact upon its benefits.

Taste improvement
Because the oil is bitter in taste, it is mixed with any fruit extract. Mix it in a cup of orange juice and drink. Lemon and lime juice is also a tasteful alternate.

Castor oil is not good for all women. There can be presence of meconium in amniotic fluid. If baby inhales meconium during birth or before that, it can be detrimental for him. It may not work fast for everyone. In some women, labor is triggered instantly. While, others don't feel any difference. There is no induction in them. In some women, diarrhea and nauseas becomes severe later on. Before taking oil for inducing labor, it is better to have complete information about it. Follow all precautions carefully, and make sure you don't exceed the limit. Stay under supervision of a physician.


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