Monday, October 1, 2012

Healthy Family Life

Building Healthy Families and Communities.

Counselors, educators, ministers, and anyone else who has a vested interest in helping others must sometimes cry out in pain when confronted with the challenges facing those who come to them for direction.

Why do an estimated seventeen percent of middle school and high school students dabble in drugs and alcohol? Why is this on the rise even in private schools?

Why do people suffer from psychiatric illnesses stemming from child abuse, extended trauma, and ongoing stress in their lives?

Why do children suffer the pain of living in homes tainted by alcohol and drug abuse?
The incidence of psychosis nearly triples around the age of fifteen to twenty one among young people who were raised in abusive homes. The nervous systems of preschool children become under attack by the presence of child abuse. These children may mature into adults whose capacity for functioning normally is severely compromised. The cost to society can be huge.
So how do we turn the corner?

Consider the following ten steps to healthy individuals, families, and communities.
1. Encourage development of positive community connections including:
Connections with spiritual groups such as churches, synagogues, or mosques.
Connections with support groups designed to help people overcome challenges.
Connections with education systems.
2. Encourage abstinence from mind altering substances. Criminal activity and drug and alcohol abuse go hand in hand. Thousands can be spared the horror of trauma and abuse if incidence of addictions are reduced. Children will be spared the trauma of abuse.
3. Find local and national resources that support the development of healthy families. Check out this information on the internet.
4. Make a consistent effort to keep yourself and your family healthy with the implementation of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Simply avoiding simple sugars can have a profound influence on health.
5. Change your mindset from one of living only for self to one of networking in an effort to reach out and help others. This will result in support being reciprocal.
6. Learn to live in your strengths and to encourage others to find theirs. An excellent resource for this is Dr. Martin Seligman's positive psychology.
7. Find your personal passion and line up your activities to fit that desire.
8. Live to encourage, exhort, and uplift self and others. Doing so will have a positive effect on everyone in your circle.
9. Make your family your first priority.
10. Above all, learn to laugh and appreciate the gift of life.


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